Financial History Uncategorized

First Lady Bank President

“Miss Maggie” Walker, the daughter of a former slave, who in 1903 became the first woman of any race to found and become president of an American bank. Three of its branches still operate. Maggie Walker also founded a newspaper and a department store called “Saint Luke’s Emporium.

Science Uncategorized


Boy from Mars: This Russian Boy Said He’s A Martian – And Claimed Earth Will Be Decimated By An Apocalypse. Boris Kipriyanovich first came to the world’s attention in an extraordinary story published by the Russian newspaper Pravda. And what a debut it was. In October 2005, when he was just nine, the publication sensationally revealed Read More…

Sports Uncategorized


Run, Regas Run: The sun beats down on the rough, rigid rubber track at Ocala’s Trinity Catholic High School. School is in session but no students are on the track today. The clear skies overlook just one runner, a student of the game. He trots back and forth, preparing himself for the sprint of his Read More…

Perspective Uncategorized


Depopulation Through Forced vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution. This original article was first published in Issue 4 of The Sovereign independent in June 2011. The lady in the image above was astute enough to keep a hold of the original printed newspaper. The link for free download is at the bottom of this article. Depopulation Read More…