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Major Robert Lawrence, USA’s 1st Black Astronaut

Photo courtesy NASA Major Robert Lawrence USA’s 1st Black Astronaut has never been mention nor have we ever knew of his greatness and brillant accomplishments to our Nation.  Here it is. On December 8, 1967, a specially modified F-104 Starfighter rolled down the runway at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The weather was cool Read More…

Economy Environmental Financial News Real Estate State Technology Uncategorized

Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (PACE)

Florida’s new Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (PACE), which provides renewable energy funding to homeowners for installation of solar panels and battery storage. This new program is helping homeowners save hundreds every month on energy without paying any costs for installation. All homeowners may apply for the PACE program. Installation also includes warranty, support, maintenance, Read More…

Perspective Religion Spirituality Youth In Action

Millennials Aren’t Skipping Church, Black Churches are Skipping Millenials

While we may not be going to church in the traditional sense, we are gathering together in unique spaces, both in person and online. -Meagan Jordan  TWEET THIS Washington Post columnist, Christine Emba, published a piece on Oct. 27, titled Why millenials are skipping church and not going back. Emba declared millennials were interested in gaming, ambitiously Read More…

Education History Religion Spirituality Uncategorized

Ancestors Helping Our Mental Wellness Spiritually

When the Ancestors tell you to go to therapy by HESS LOVE DECEMBER 1, 2020 CULTURE, FEATURED, RELIGION, SPOTLIGHT Generational work is breaking the cycle of sweeping mental health under the rug. I do this for myself, my ancestors and my descendants. -@Hess2love  TWEET THIS There aren’t enough accessible therapists to go around. I met this reality after an Ifa divination Read More…