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What is Feng ShuI?

Teeth Whitening 4 You

Feng Shui is an ancient chinese philosopy which states that the configurations of the earth and its energy lines influence the lives of the people that live among them. When people build their dwellings they also establish new energy patterns. The Feng Shui Principle is to live in harmony with your environment and to create spaces that support you, rather than work against you. For thousands of years wise people have observed the connection of surroundings and human fate. These obsevations have resulted in the teachings of Feng Shui. Feng Shui calls the invisible life energy “CHI”, in India it is “Prana”. Free flowing, positive Chi brings health and good luck in all aspects of your life. For more information on Feng Shui, please refer to some of the numerous books available.

What is Aromatherapy and Space Clearing?

The knowledge about space clearing and aromatherapy is as ancient as Feng Shui. Culture around the globe have practiced incense burning and healing fire for thousands of years. Some of this knowledge has been recorded or handed down orally. Asia has an especially rich tradition of incense burning and healing fires which has enriched and influenced the whole world. Aromatherapy is a tool to benefit our personal well-being. Essential oils are diffused and herbs are burnt to lift our spirit, to inspire, to calm, relax and heal our emotions, Space cleaning is the art to move stagnant or negative Chi (Prana) to cleanse a building or to consecrate a building for a special purpose. It deals with clearing invisible energetic disturbances and energy that is stagnant or left fro previous negative incidents. Our Fend Shui incense is blended to be a “house blessing”. It combines elements of space clearing and aromatherapy.

Triloka Feng Shui Incense

Incense burning is wonderful tool to support the flow of positive Chi, to harmonize and energize your home. Triloka Feng Shui incense is custom-blended by traditional incense making families using over 20 natural ingredients, such as fragrant wood powder, herbs, resins, gums, seeds, flowers leaves, grasses roots, bark and essential oils. All ingredients are hand blended with the utmost care and purity. The blended mixture or “massala” is finally hand rolled on to thin bamboo sticks. Triloka Feng Shui incense offers 9 different fragrances, especially composed for all areas of your home.

Triloka Feng Shui Incense

JOURNEY (career, path in life)

Section: North
Element: Water

Color: Blue

Ingredients: Cinnamon-intuition, creativity joy; MYRRH-revitalizes, dissolves disturbing influences; SANDALWOOD-protection, inner peace, mental strength; PALMAROSA – inspiring, harmonizing, attracts love; and other fine ingredients.

HEALTH (family, relationships)

Section: East

Element: Wood

Color: Green

Ingredients: Frankincense-clears the atmosphere, energizes, harmonizes; Cedarwood-promotes longevity, improves energy, strength; VETIVER – centering, grounding, balancing; SPIKENARD – calming, balancing, dispels feelings of fear; and other fine ingredients.

PROSPERITY (wealth, abundance)

Section: South East

Element: Wood

Color:: Green

Ingredients: Basil – attracts prosperity, dedicated to the Indian goddess of wealth and prosperity; CEDARWOOD – strength, success, prosperity; SANDALWOOD – protection, guidance, evokes a sense of well being and abundance; VETIVER – grounding, good luck, success; and other fine ingredients.


Section: South

Element: Fire

Color: Red

Ingredients: MYRRH-dissolves disturbing influences, energizes, attracts good luck and success; COSTUS – attracts love, harmonizing; CASSIAWOOD – protection, guidance, supports spiritual growth; and other fine ingredients.

LOVE (marital happiness, relationships)

Section: Southwesst

Element: Earth

Color: Yellow

Ingredients: JASMINE-aphrodisiac, promotes happiness; ROSEPETALS-inspriring, traditional fragrance of love; LAVENDER-relaxing, clears the atmosphere, attracts positive chi; PATCHOULI-aphrodisiac, grounding, balancing; and other fine ingredients.

LUCK OF KIDS (children)

Section: West

Element: Metal

Color: Metallic

Ingredients: ROSE – inspiring, attracts love and compassion:  CEDARWOOD – instills confidence, strength, success; ORANGE – uplifting, energizing, refreshing; PATCHOULI-grounding,, balancing, aphrodisiac; and other fine ingredients.

GUIDANCE (mentors helpful people)

Section: Northwest

Element: Metal

Color: Metellic

Ingredients: CAMPHOR – clarifies, refreshes, supports concentration, awareness, good judgement; LEMON – creative energy, joy, revitalizes; CINNAMON – activates creativity, inspiration, relaxing, calming; SANDALWOOD – guidance, meditation, protection; and other fine ingredients.

WHOLENESS (completion, cent)

Section: Center

Ingredients: MYRRH – dissolves disturbing influences, grounding, balancing; FRANKINCENSE – clears the atmosphere, supports reflection, meditation; CEDARWOOD – energizing, harmonizing, instills confidence,; SANDALWOOD – protection, guidance, evokes a sense of well being; and other fine ingredient.

WISDOM (education, knowledge)

Section: Northeast

Element: Earth

Color: Orange

Ingredients; SAGE – purifies, clarifies perception, inspires wisdom, ideal space-clearing agent; CLARYSAGE – inspiring, balancing, supports psychic growth and knowledge, clairvoyance; LAVENDER – relaxing, balancing, revitalizing, supports good memory;; SANDALWOOD – guidance, protection, inner strength; FRANKINCENSE – clears atmosphere supports reflecting and meditation and other fine ingredients.