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Black Lives Matters vs. Black Churches
Which Black Lives Matters vs. Black Churches By Olivia Smarr When I came home from college for winter break I noticed a flyer on my church’s Facebook page that said December 14th was designated as “Black Lives Matter” Sunday. It was a couple weeks after the Grand Jury decision to not indict the killer of Eric Read More…
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N.J. —Mr. McPherson was one of 2,258 inmates released on Wednesday from prisons and halfway houses across New Jersey in one of the largest-ever single-day reductions of any state’s prison population. After five years, the 35-year-old father of two was free. “I tell him this is his last chance,” his mother, Christine Guidas, said after Read More…
Covid-19: Communities of Color and Other Buyers, Beware of Bold Promises from Health Insurers
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought issues of healthcare equity to the forefront of discussions of racial justice. Even when controlling for factors like age and income, communities of color have been much more severely impacted that white Americans. A recent report by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that “older Black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native adults were Read More…