Education Uncategorized

Tanya Butler Home Schooling

Tanya Butler grew up on the backroads of a small, predominantly white Pennsylvania town. Much of her time was spent at her grandparents’ home, playing games with her younger siblings and cousins. Nights filled with shuffling and double-dealing weren’t about winning or losing–they were about learning. Games taught Butler and her family members valuable lessons Read More…

Education Uncategorized

Orrin Checkmate Hudson, Black Educator Launches Free Online Summer Camp Courses

Nationwide — Orrin “Checkmate” Hudson, a world-renowned African American educator and founder of a nonprofit called Be Someone, has launched a free online summer camp via Zoom for teenagers and children who need a little bit of help keeping themselves busy this summer. During his online sessions, which are every day from 10am to 11am EST, he Read More…

Columnist Gantt, Lucius Perspective Politics Uncategorized

The Gantt Report – Trump Walk to Cellblock T

The Gantt Report By Lucius Gantt The United States House of Representatives Committee assigned to investigate who plotted, planned and attempted to initiate a government coup has begun public hearings. On January 6, 2021, supporters of Donald Trump, believers in the BIG LIE and various white supremacy and militia groups, attacked the U.S. Capitol. About Read More…