Food Health Uncategorized

Seaweed Is A Healthy Food

Seaweed: Sold primarily in Asian markets and health food stores, seaweed still is an enigma to the palates of many Americans. However, adding kelp and other varieties of seaweed to your diet may provide a natural solution to optimize thyroid gland functioning and boost performance in people diagnosed with mild hypothyroidism. Nutrient-packed seaweed contains a Read More…

Botany Health Medicine Uncategorized

10 Ways To Use Comfrey

10 Ways to use comfrey, a powerful healing herb Wednesday, June 29, 2022 by: Mary Villareal Tags: alternative medicine, comfrey, emergency medicine, goodhealth, green living, gum plant, herbal medicine, Herbs, home gardening, homesteading, natural cures, natural health, natural medicine, Naturopathy, plant medicine, preparedness, prepping, remedies, survival, survival medicine (Natural News) Comfrey, or gum plant, is a medicinal herb that can be used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory or anti-rheumatic agent. It can also be used to treat wounds, bites, stings, Read More…

Covid-19 Vaccine Health International Local Medical National News State Uncategorized

COVID Vaccines Disalbed Millions

Ever since Operation Warp Speed was launched by Donald Trump, rates of disability across America have skyrocketed. A shocking number of people who were previously healthy are now permanently damaged, the only thing that changed in their lives being that they took the “clot shots,” also known as Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.” From 2016 to 2020, the Read More…