Science Technology Uncategorized

STEM Magazine Inspiring Minority Youth to Pursue STEM Careers

STEM Magazine Inspiring Minority Youth TX — Black and other minority students and professionals aspiring to excel in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) careers now have a new resource to enrich their journey thanks to a new digital publication called Magazine. According to The National Center for Science and Engineering (NCSE), there has been a Read More…

animal history Technology Uncategorized veterinarians

Tortoise George Bailey and Walkin Pets Of Amherst

Tortoise George Bailey receives custom built wheelchair from Walkin’Pets, of Amherst, George Bailey an 11-year-old Sulcata tortoise, who was rescued from an exotic animal rescue shelter in Tennessee. “(It’s) a custom tortoise wheelchair with a special base featuring a convex support structure to accommodate the natural contour of George’s under shell and a harnessing system Read More…

Business Education History National News Technology Uncategorized

Freddie Taylor, CEO of Urban Intellectuals

Freddie Taylor, the founder and CEO of Urban Intellectuals, has launched an online event called “STEAM is the Blackest Thing Ever” to celebrate Black people, history, and culture while inspiring and motivating the youth. The intention is to share tips and techniques with parents, teachers, and community leaders so they can help raise the self-confidence in our Read More…

Technology Uncategorized

Shortage of Chips

The global chip shortage is starting to have major real-world consequences Key Points As technology has advanced, semiconductor chips have spread from computers and cars to toothbrushes and tumble dryers — they now lurk beneath the hood of a surprising number of products. But demand for chips is continuing to outstrip supply, and car makers Read More…

Business National News Technology Uncategorized

James A. Samuel, Black Entrepreneur, Creates App to Help Film Police Brutality and Alert Family Members

Meet James A. Samuel, Jr., founder and CEO of a new app called ANJEL Tech that allows users to immediately began live streaming and transmitting footage to their family members when they are in any type of dangerous situation. The app, developed by a DC-based Black-owned company, appeals to the African American community because of Read More…