EPolitics and religion are at stake, Rubio warned.
Sen. Marco Rubio characterized American life as “hard” on Friday and warned CPAC attendees of an ideology increasingly imposing its influence on America: Marxism.
“I believe there are a lot of people in this country influenced by Marxism that don’t even realize they’re being influenced by Marxism,” Rubio warned a conservative crowd in Orlando. “It’s infused in every aspect of our lives and our society.”
In a roughly 10-minute speech, Rubio lamented the alleged influence of Marxism and cited cancel culture as proof of its prominence.
College campuses, he suggested, are ground zero. He lamented censorship and “digital mobs,” saying Marxism is far more than an economic theory.
“Every single person in this room … you’re one word, you’re one statement, you’re one retweet, you’re one like away from destroying your life,” Rubio said.
The son of Cuban immigrants, Rubio also lambasted heavy-handed COVID-19 policies such as vaccine and mask mandates.
He took issue with citizens needing to produce “papers” to dine out or otherwise participate in society. Such protocols are in effect ahead of the State of the Union Address on March 1.
“What’s happening now in America is what happens after 20 years of infusing this Marxist thought process into every aspect of our lives,” Rubio said.
More, though, is at stake than just politics, Rubio argued. He warned Marxists possess an “insatiable appetite” for control and power.
Their next target, in his eyes: Christianity.
“If this trend continues … we will live to see the day where mainstream Judeo-Christian values, when excerpts out of the Bible, are considered hate speech,” Rubio added.
Throughout the speech, Rubio reiterated that American life is “hard.” The freedoms associated with western life, he said, are unique and historically uncommon.
Rubio characterized liberty and democracy as a “modern phenomenon.”
“Almost everyone that’s ever walked the Earth … lived in a place where they didn’t get to pick their leaders, they didn’t have any real rights,” Rubio said. “Their rights are whatever their leaders allowed them to have.”
CPAC — the Conservative Political Action Conference — is a four-day gathering of conservative leaders, figures and supporters in Orlando.