Mental Health Psychological Racism Sports Sports Uncategorized

NFL’S Psychological Racism

NFL’S Psychological Racism:  NFL assumed Black players had lower cognitive funcition now halts their “race-norming’ Since Black NFL retirees did not know GAGUT and the vibrational frequency of G ij,j =O, they did not know about the gene study testing that was conducted by Yale University of Medicine and others regarding the DNA polymorphism that Read More…

Columnist Education Health Johnson, Mae Keeping It Natural Mental Health Spirituality Uncategorized

Keeping It Natural: Love the Skin You Are In

by Mae Johnson Love the Skin You Are In There will be those who love you and those who do not care for you.  There will be those who make you feel good about yourself and   those who will tear you down.  This article is about Choosing your acquaintances carefully and learning to feel comfortable Read More…