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First Amendment, Blogging, & Laws

Teeth Whitening 4 You

One of the more curious of the internet’s brain children is the blog. These public online diaries have gotten more and more attention recently because it allows ordinary people to air their views about personal, even private matters to anyone interested.

There’s a fair amount of self-absorption to the blogging movement, despite the fact that many blogs include commentary about the outside world of politics and popular culture. And political organization and commercial enterprises have lately made efforts to co-op blogging to promote their causes and profits.

Still, authentic blogs can provide a fascinating view inside the mind of other people, letting you see what they’re thinking.  This applies to business blogs as well, those created by companies as a new media way of letting interested publics in on company activities and plans.

Letting loose, however, is not without its risks, and this involves more than inadvertently airing your dirty laundry.  Sometimes speaking freely and publicly about other people or organizations can get you smack with a lawsuit, First Amendment or no First Amendment.  Other times, it can get you fired from your job.

To help bloggers better acquaint themselves with the legal landscape, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has just released its free “Legal Guide for Bloggers,” accessible at its website:; . “We want to help bloggers understand the laws that affect them so they can better protect and defend their rights,” says Kurt Opsahl, the EFF (Electric Frontier Foundation) staff attorney; at that time, who coordinated the project.

EFF, which is not now celebrating its 15 year anniversary, is one of the most recognizable voices on the Internet promoting the rights of individuals who use the medium.

Based in San Francisco, EFF receives its funding primarily from members, who pay as dues whatever amount they feel is appropriate.  In exchange, members receive a “warm and fuzzy feeling from defending the digital freedom,” says Opsahl.  EFF is also supported by foundation grants.

Among other things, EFF publishes its free biweekly email newsletter, EFFector, to keep readers informed of recent cases and developments involving the Internet and such issues as free speech, libel, privacy, freedom of information, copyright, and fair use. These are the same issues, with regards to blogging, that its new legal guide covers.

In perusing the guide, I’d nominate the following as the best pieces of advises offered:

*you may quote short bits of what someone else has written, particularly if you’re providing commentary, without violating the person’s copyright.

*You may report facts or ideas of others (through it’s considered plagiarism to couch them as you own).

*You may use the trademarked name of a company (without the trademark symbol) unless you’re using it as the name of your own competing product or service or implying that the trademark holder endorses your content.

*In criticizing another party, truth is an absolute defense against libel, but truth can be expensive to prove legally.

*You can’t just stick an “In my opinion” in front of a verifiable statement for it to become opinion and protected against a libel charge.

*If you make up something about a company, such as finding a severed finger in the company’s chill, you can be liable for trade libel.

*You may be liable for invasion of privacy if you publish private facts about another person if they’re offensive and not a matter of public concern.

*If you get an unjustified cease-and-desist letter or email message, consider exposing the party trying to squash your freedom of expression at the Lumen Database Clearinghouse ( The Lumen database collects and analyzes legal complaints and requests for removal of online materials, helping Internet users to know their rights and understand the law. These data enable us to study the prevalence of legal threats and let Internet users see the source of content removals.

*If you criticize your boss or company in your personal blog, even if you do so off-hours using your own computer and Internet service provider, you could be fired, legally, if you’re an “at will” employee.

It was also emphasized that the guide isn’t a substitute for legal counsel. If you’re sued or threatened with a lawsuit, or if you feel you need a lawyer for any other purposes related to blogging, the EFF can help you find one who has the relevant expertise.  If the EFF deems that yours is a cause that has the potential of changing the law, they may even take it on a pro bono basis.