Every remedy is different. Each remedy has a certain “symptom picture” associated with it. The correct remedy to take is the one that has a cymptom picture that most closely matches the symptoms you are exhibiting.
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Homeopathic medicines work on each level of the body: Physical, metal and emotional. Many times, the mental or emotional symptoms may guide you to the right remedy. Other times, what makes you feel better or worse may guide you to the right remedy. The right remedy is sometimes easy to find, and at other times the symptom picture is less pronounced.
Many homeopathic remedies listed in the Materia Medica have gone through a process called a “proving”. Provings are controlled experiments in which healthy people are given the remedy that is being tested in large quantities sequentially over a period of time; the symptoms that the body creates are then recorded. For example, when healthy people were given Belladonna sequentially over a period of time, the following symptom picture was exhibited:
- High Fever
- Right sided Pain
- Throbbing Pain
- Irritable
- Sensitive to External Noise, Light
- Thirsty for Small Sips of Cold Water
This symptom picture looks like that of a teething body, somebody with a migraine headache, or somebody with an earache. So clearly, just because a baby is teething doesn’t mean that Belladonna is the right remedy to use. The symptom picture of the teething baby must closely match that of the symptoms that are listed in the Materia Medica. After reading about the remedies, make a determination as to which remedy is the most appropriate for your specific symptoms.
The best way to determine which single remedy to take is to list the symptoms you are exhibiting, look up those symptoms in the Repertory, and read the remedy symptom listing in the Materia Medica. After reading about the remedies, make a determination as to which remedy is the most appropriate for your symptoms.