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Honest Medicine, Effective, Time-Tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life-Threatening Diseases

Teeth Whitening 4 You

Honest Medicine is all most people really want from the medical field. What works? What doesn’t work? Those are the main questions people want answered. Unfortunately, with Big Pharma money lining the pockets of the FDA with one hand and cutting doctors checks behind the backs of regulators with the other, very few doctors are in a position to offer objective advice about any of the available remedies for traditional deadly diseases. That’s where award winning health care blogger Julia Schopick’s book Honest Medicine comes in.

The book is written in honor of her late husband. Timothy Fisher, who lived fifteen years after having surgery for a brain tumor the size of an orange. The doctors only gave him three years to live, but through Schopick’s tireless research, she and her husband discovered diet changes and supplements that kept Mr. Fisher alive for twelve years beyond his original prognosis.

In Schopick’s own words: “This book is written because of Tim. And this book is written for you and your loved ones. Because I want you to find the potentially lifesaving treatments your doctor probably doesn’t know about – treatments like those that helped Tim live years beyond his doctors’ prognoses – so that you can find them before it’s too late”.

The focus of this book addresses three treatments, all available in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada: intravenous alphalipoic acid, the ketogenic diet, and low-dose naltrexone. As you’ll see in this book, these treatments have been around for decades and have benefited thousands of patients, from those that are extremely sick to those with chronic, debilitating diseases. In addition, the shocking reality is that these treatments often work for conditions where conventional medicine doesn’t offer successful solutions.

To highlight the success ofr the treatments she writes about, Schopick shines a light on what she calls “Champions”, or people who have it “as their mission to get the message out about treatments that have saved many, many lives”. As she says, “with all three of these treatments, my heroes would not let people keep dying or get worse by using the standard-of-care treatments their doctors were encouraging them to use”.

In the example of intravenous alpha-lipoic the principal FDA investigator for the intravenous use of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). What did he find? His words are chilling, but will be very familiar to Life Extension readers: “Personally, I also believe that because ALA is effective for many different diseases, no pharmaceutical company wants to go through the expensive clinical trail approval process. In order to make the most money, they want one medication per disease…In other words, alpha-lipoic acid could save lives, but because it was such an inexpensive substance and natural product, it would not make anyone a significant amount of money”.

For those not familiar with the concept of Big Pharma placing profits over saving lives, the above words are a brisk eye-opener. Honest Medicine is filled with examples and tales of average people going from passive patients to powerful advocated for their own health. Readers will be hooked as they follow along with the people Schopick has chosen as they discover the overlooked cures that saved their lives, and may one day save yours or a loved one’s.