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A Black Author’s Best-Selling Thought-Provoking Novel

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CA — A Best-Selling Thought-Provoking Novel-“Impact of Our Life Choices”,: Renowned author, screenwriter, and 6-time top 100 bestselling author, d. E. Rogers has recently announced he will release a new book titled, Limitation of Life: Time Heals No Wounds on March 23, 2021. The book, which is the author’s 13th novel embodies inspiring as well as life-examining facts surrounding the limitation of time in every human effort to change the past.

“Impact of Our Life Choices”: The Best-Selling Thought Provoking Novel is meant to provide a fictitious fantasy experience of how uncertain it is to make attempts to change an individual’s fate by making crucial changes of the past with little regard to the effect in the future. The novel will help readers, especially African-Americans and black people in general, who are interested in making changes in their lives to gain an insightful experience on how damaging or beneficial such a decision could be in the future.

Impact of Our Life Choices, Best Selling: “I think traveling back in time to either change a crucial point in our lives or make ourselves rich has entered our minds at some point in our lives. What we would risk or lose is typically not factored in. In Limitation of Life, I feel readers will connect with Brodie as he attempts to change fate by making crucial changes in the past with little regard to the effect in the future,” said the author, d. E. Rogers.

The novel contains an intriguing story about Brodie Carmichael, who travels back in time to save the lives of his loved ones, but unfortunately, he faces many obstacles that are capable of changing his current life and love. The book is the 13th novel of the author who has written a lot of inspirational, heartfelt, and insightful stories that seek to depict the purest view of life in a fictitious manner. Some of the author’s inspiring works include Black States of America: Real Black Power, Innocent Crook, The Dark Side of Money series, Crossing Color Lines, and the I Know She Didn’t series, among others.

For more information about d. E. Rogers, go to or @therealderogers on Facebook and Twitter.

To preorder Limitation of Life: Time Heals No Wounds, go to