KEEPING IT NATURAL… DEATH THROUGH CHARACTER ASSASSINATION By Mae Johnson Character assassination (aka gossip) is the malicious and unjustified harming of a person’s good reputation. Sadly, and all too often the perpetrator discredit themselves, by the mere act of engaging in character assassination" Who Needs Fist Many years ago, when two individuals had hostility toward Read More…
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SPIRITUAL AWAKENING THE GIFT OF INTUITION By Mazie Waters There are seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. They are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, virtue, and fear of the Lord. While some Christians accept these as a complete list of specific qualities, others understand them merely as examples of the Holy Spirit that’s working through the Read More…
SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Being An Empath and How to Live with Being One by Mazie Waters The phrase empath comes from empathy, which is the ability to understand the experiences and feelings of others outside of your viewpoint. Say your friend’s mother just passed, the empathy in you is what allows you to understand the intensity Read More…
SPIRITUAL AWAKENING: Judge Not Lest You Be Judged
SPIRITUAL AWAKENING: Judge Not Lest You Be Judged By Mazie Waters The Most High God didn’t create a planet solely personalized to fit your or my agenda. When we decided to judge people, according to our principles, we need to realize that we don’t always fit the standards of others. when you become disgusted with Read More…
SPIRITUAL AWAKENING WAKE UP By Mazie Waters Wake up when you wake up. Get up when you get up. When you get up, move on. Get up and wake up are similar but are not the same. When your alarm rings in the morning you wake up, and your sleep ends. When you get up, you Read More…
The Gantt Report – They Do What They Want To
They Do What They Want to By Lucius Gantt Every election year, African Americans are told what they want to hear. At election time, candidates from both major political parties visit your schools, visit your churches, stop by your businesses and attend your organization’s meetings to say, “I’m the best candidate for Black people and Read More…