In order for a relapse to occur, three things must happen: 1) The new ex-smoker must be presented with a potential relapse crisis situation; 2) The relapse crisis situation must trigger an intense cigarette or addict craving; 3) The craving must overwhelm the ex-smoker’s or ex-addict’s ability to cope. Using our Powerful Relapse Prevention Tips Read More…
Preservation: Why Healthcare Must Go Green
Why Healthcare Must Go Green! Green has always been my favorite color, though I didn’t know why until recently. Now it is fast becoming the world’s favorite color, and thank goodness for that. Whether more and more people are “going green’ and becoming more environmentally conscious because it is trendy and cool, or because they Read More…
Clean Water: The Life-Blood Of All Living Things
by Winston Kao Pollute it and say good-by to your health! It is common knowledge that the human body is 70% water, so one needs to drink an adequate amount of water per day to maintain good health. However, what isn’t common knowledge is what TYPE of water one needs to drink in order to Read More…
The Art of Beauty: Chinese Secrets To Achieve Healthy Hair
The Natural Cycle of Great Hair Growth Achieving healthy hair is no ancient Chinese secret. If you want great hair growth, you can achieve it by taking certain steps. According to Chinese tradition, the path, or Tao (pronounced “dow”), of beauty is simply one lane of the road to radiant health. They believe that healthy, Read More…
Earthly Possessions: You Can’t Take Nothing With You
By Austin Ryder I am sure that at one time or another we have all seen a hearse traveling down the road. But, have you ever seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul trailer? Do you know the reason why not? Because you can’t take it with you. That’s why a reverse mortgage is a perfect Read More…
First Amendment, Blogging, & Laws
One of the more curious of the internet’s brain children is the blog. These public online diaries have gotten more and more attention recently because it allows ordinary people to air their views about personal, even private matters to anyone interested. There’s a fair amount of self-absorption to the blogging movement, despite the fact that Read More…